Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm back?????

Maybe.  With the increase in couponing and the frenzy that the tv show Extreme Couponing (TLC) caused I  had to take a break from the coupon world.  Quite honestly, I got lazy.  People were going out and clearing the shelves first thing in the morning, leaving very little for the rest of us.  I was running into rude shoppers, rude cashiers and it was becoming quite a hassle to get my hands on enough sets of coupons to make shopping worth my while.  After seeing my grocery bill dramatically rise I've decided not only do I WANT to get back to using coupons but I NEED to.  I can't continue to spend the money I have been on groceries when I know I can spend about a quarter that amount.  So here I am, making it work.
This was my first "real" weekend getting back in the swing of things.  I've been collecting coupons but today I went out and did some real stock up shopping.  I've learned to go to the Dollar Store and get my extra papers there.  I am now buying 6 every Sunday.  I'm back to watching my local blogs and searching for the best deals. 
I don't know how often I'll post but maybe from time to time I'll take a minute to write down my thoughts on what I think are good deals or any new tips I find.  For right now I just look forward to saving my family some money!