It's a game!

Is it a game?

The answer is YES!!  Most people pick up their Sunday paper and see all those great coupons.  The first thing they do is grab their scissors and start clipping away.  They run to the grocery store, dreaming of the great bargains they are about to get with their fistful of coupons only to find out that even with the coupons the generic brands are still cheaper.  Into the garbage go the coupons, never to see the light of day again.

If what I described above describes you with coupons STOP!!  Don't toss those coupons.  Heck, I don't even clip them to begin with.  I promise you those coupons will become valuable.

First thing to know is that coupons are a legal form of tender.  Yes folks, those coupons are like CA$H for you.  The stores get every penny back from the manufacturer plus a handling fee.  The manufacturers put those coupons out for a reason...they want YOU to buy their product, fall in love, and spread the word.  Take advantage of their generosity and start couponing.  You will be saving money for your family and never be forced to buy toothpaste again!

The trick is to realize that EVERYTHING eventually goes on sale.  So even though if you don't use any coupons from this weeks paper there will be an opportunity (about every 6 weeks or so) for you to not only snag that item while it's on sale but get it even cheaper by using your coupon on top of the great sale price!!  Most of the time you can walk away getting that product at rock bottom, stock up prices.  Think of your coupons as a hand of cards.  You don't want to "play" your coupon until the best possible time.  Wait for YOUR opportunity and get the deal you want.  When you get that rock bottom price YOU WIN!  Game over!