Q:  I don't have time to coupon.  Doesn't it take a lot of work?

A:  The answer is sometimes it can take some time.  But when I look at the amount of money I save it's well worth my time.  Let's say I spend 2 hours a week planning and cutting my coupons.  But I save $150 that week using those coupons.  I look at that as I just paid myself $75 per hour to coupon.  Initially couponing will take a little more time but as you get the hang of it it doesn't take much time or effort at all.

Q:  Don't you have to go to a bunch of stores?

A:  Yes and No.  Since I am a SAHM and I live in an area that I have several stores near by it isn't a big deal for me to go to 4 stores in a week to get the BEST deals.  But you can still get really GREAT deals by just going to one grocery store and one drug store or chain store per week.

Q:  Aren't generics cheaper than the name brands even with a coupon?

A:  NO!  NO!  NO!  Not if you are playing the game.  Just because you have a coupon doesn't mean you need to use it immediately.  Hold on to that coupon and use it when the product you want is on a good sale.  Then use that coupon to get it way cheaper than you would for any generic product.  I can not tell you how many times I can get a name brand product for practically FREE.

Q:  Do I really have to clip ALL those coupons?

A:  No.  I use a method of couponing called the clipless method.  Here are some sites that describe that method and how easy it can make it for you.  http://www.utahdealdiva.com/2010/01/thrifty-thursday-clipless-method-of.html.  Basically I'm filing my inserts by date.  When I see a sale come up or a product I need I go to a coupon database and look for that coupon.  The database is going to tell me what insert (or printable) I can find that coupon in.  Then I go, pull that insert, clip that coupon, and refile my insert for use next time I need a different coupon.  I'm only clipping the coupons I need as I need them.

Q:  Don't you end up buying a lot of stuff you don't need with coupons?

A.  You don't have to do this.  I'm buying (or getting for free) a lot of stuff I didn't buy before.  But it is stuff I would have LIKED to have bought but just didn't have the money to buy.  Example #1:  Airwicks has these airfresheners that are great in our room where the cat little box is.  Normally I would never have splurged on this but with coupons I can get it at a great deal and it's something I'm GLAD to have!    Example #2:  Recently there was a deal where I could get a product called SolonPas for free.  I didn't know what it was let alone ever use it.  I found out it was a one time use heating pad type thing for sore muscles or aching joints.  I would never have bought this before, instead I would have chose to suffer through the pain.  Now, I don't have to suffer anymore I can get this product for free.  But YOU don't have to do these kinds of deals.  You can pass these up if you want but couponing allows me to buy things I've always wanted to buy but in the past didn't have the money to buy.  There are plenty of everyday deals out there too!

Q:  How do I know how much to buy.

A:  This may take some time to get used to.  The answer will be different for everyone.  Typically you want to buy enough to last you up to 3 months.   Sales go in cycles so you will find the same sale again in 6-12 weeks so you should only buy enough to last you through the sale cycles.  You want to buy these things at their rock bottom prices so that when you do REALLY need them you don't ever have to pay full price again.

Q:  Can you still eat healthy and use coupons?

A:  Absolutely.  You will be saving so much on your regular day to day needs (toothpaste, detergents, shampoos, deodorants, soaps, toothbrushes, hair care, razors, and other items) that it will make it EASIER for you to afford to purchase organic and healthier fresh items in the store.  Couponing should help you live a healthier lifestyle.

Q:  What if I need something and I don't have a coupon for it?

A:  You buy it without the coupon but you just buy one or enough to get you by until you think you will find another sale or coupon.  If you need toilet paper then please buy the toilet paper!  You just don't stock up on it at that time.  Paying full price for something from time to time isn't the end of the world!  But usually, you can still find a good sale or an online coupon for the product you are looking for so most likely you won't ever have to really pay full price.